‘Marica Close, North Ringwood, seems like just another short, dead-end street when the visitor turns into it' wrote journalist Graham Betley in 1992. 'But at the top of the rise a whole new vista opens up.
(To be honest I can't even see the gate in this fence, above, but I wouldn't have taken the picture if there wasn't one!)
Above: Looking towards the centre of the space.
Above: Holroyd Cres end looking north

Above: And from just within the school grounds, looking in to the space. (BTW it was two days before Christmas, school holidays!).
I didn't go to the south boundary of the fence as the woman with the dog you can see in a couple of the pictures was in that area and as should be clear by now, to not mess with members of the general public is one of my mottos.
A fairly similar stroll to mine is captured here, but as mentioned above I didn't see the commemorative plaque.
* I can't find any information anywhere about the Friends of Kalinda, mentioned on the plaque, but there is a character called Kalinda in The Good Wife and she has friends, so naturally this reality would push out anything else to do with a Melbourne suburb, friended or otherwise.