* I don't think Helsinki is stated but if it's not Helsinki it's 'Anycity, Finland'
A record of field trips and other explorations of a particular urban design element - the internal reserve - a 'pocket park' surrounded on all sides by residential housing but accessible by pedestrian pathways from the street. They are exclusive, secluded, sometimes neglected, sometimes celebrated, suburban spaces. This blog welcomes contributions: comments, images, memorabilia. Please email nicholsd@unimelb.edu.au
Monday, May 31, 2021
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Monday, May 17, 2021
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Hundred Houses Homes, Cambridge UK
A plan by C. W. Craske for an estate established by the Hundred Houses Society in Cambridge includes a large playground behind buildings, in this instance from conservationist necessity rather than ideology. ‘The site of a medieval moated farm has been preserved as a children’s playground, and forms a central feature of the scheme, while the rather awkward shape of the site and problems of levels for sewerage have been countered by the use of four culs-de-sac springing fanwise from the children’s playground.’ Craske’s plan appears to have been rejected.
To be honest since I can't locate where it was meant to be, I am not even sure this is an internal reserve - what was adjoining the section at the bottom of this plan?
‘Hundred Houses Society, Ltd.’ Town and Country Planning Vol IV no 13 1935 p.18 (illustration p. 19)
Kabbera Central, Kelso, NSW
Look at it here. Kelso is essentially a suburb adjoining the regional city of Bathurst but it has an identity greater than mere adjacent su...

A search on something else entirely led me to the June 1927 issue of one of Florence Taylor's publications, Construction and Local Go...
Comparison between the above from a relatively new UBD street directory and the current Google Map shows some disparity in the shape of t...
A remarkable recent success story in the renewal of an internal reserve space, Anders Park (known locally as Anders Triangle)* is a small s...